Aceh Police Boil 357.9 Kilograms Of Shabu With Hot Water

BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Regional Police (Polda) destroyed 357.9 kilograms of methamphetamine, 206,638 ecstasy pills and 19,859 Happy Five tranquilizers.

The destruction of the prohibited items was led by the Aceh Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Haydar at the Aceh Police Headquarters in Banda Aceh, Tuesday, 29 . The destruction was also attended by a number of officials, both the TNI and the Aceh government, and officials from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

The destruction of the drugs is carried out by boiling them with hot water and then flowing them into the disposal tank, so that the prohibited items cannot be used anymore.

Aceh Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Haydar said the destroyed methamphetamine was the result of the disclosure of an international network by the Aceh Regional Police together with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

As well as the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise for Aceh, the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise for the Riau Islands, North Aceh Police, and East Aceh Police.

"Disclosure of the international network of drugs took place in two places, namely in North Aceh Regency and East Aceh Regency. In the disclosure of drugs, the police arrested eight perpetrators," said Inspector General Ahmad Haydar as reported by Antara.

The two-star police general invited policymakers to continue tirelessly and together to eradicate drug trafficking and abuse in Aceh Province.

"Eradication of drug trafficking and abuse is a form of charity worship to Allah SWT and service to the nation and state," said Inspector General of Police Ahmad Haydar.

Inspector General Ahmad Haydar appreciated and expressed his gratitude to the public who informed law enforcement officers of drug trafficking.

"The prohibited items that were destroyed have saved more than two million Indonesians from drug abuse," said Inspector General of Police Ahmad Haydar.