There Is No Trump-Biden Handshake And Other Impacts Of The Pandemic In The US Presidential Debate

JAKARTA - Candidates for the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump and Joe Biden will face off in debate, Tuesday, September 29. The debate will be broadcast on television, becoming part of a 60-year tradition that is often marked with the most memorable moments.

The first US presidential debate to be broadcast on television was between John F. Kennedy of the Democratic Party and Richard Nixon of the Republican Party. At that time Nixon had just finished making a visit from the hospital. Kennedy won the election at that time.

Launching CNN, Monday, September 28, the most memorable moment for this presidential debate is its implementation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was announced that viewers would not watch handshakes between candidates to minimize transmission of COVID-19.

Peter Eyre, a senior adviser to the Presidential Debate Commission, said candidates would not shake hands moderately either. However, candidates will not wear masks while on stage in Cleveland, Ohio.

Another impact

The number of viewers who attended live was limited compared to the previous debate. Everyone attending the debate at Case Western Reserve University will be tested for COVID-19 and follow other health safety protocols.

Frank Fahrenkopf, deputy chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission which organized the event, said the average face-to-face debate audience is usually around 900 people, up to 1,200, depending on the space provided. However, for this debate, he estimated that only 60 to 70 spectators would sit in the debate hall.

Reportedly, first lady Melania Trump and daughter Ivanka Trump attended. The presence of the two was confirmed by White House officials. As they prepare to face off for the first time, Biden and Trump will each stand on the podium on the stage.

Trump on the right side of the stage facing the audience. Meanwhile, Biden will be on the left. The moderator, Chris Wallace, will sit at the table facing the two candidates.

Candidates will not have an opening statement. Trump will immediately take the moderator's first question. The 90-minute debate will focus on six topics; Trump and Biden's record, Supreme Court, COVID-19, Economy, Race and Violence in Our Cities, and Electoral Integrity.

Another impact of COVID-19 on debates is that there will be no media space, where campaign teams usually send supporters and representatives to present cases to candidates after the debate. Two presidential debates planned for this summer have already been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Notre Dame University was originally scheduled to host the first presidential debates, but withdrew as host in July due to COVID-19. This prompted the debate to be transferred to Case Western Reserve University.

A second presidential debate was originally scheduled to take place at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, but the university also withdrew. The second debate scheduled for October 15 was moved to Miami.

The debate schedule between the vice presidential candidates is scheduled to take place on October 7. Meanwhile, the final debate between the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs will take place on October 22.