Minister Of Health: G20 Aligns Global Prokes Standards For International Travel

YOGYAKARTA - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the G20 forum must be able to harmonize global health protocol standards for safe international travel so that it can help economic recovery and social welfare.

"Through this forum, we gather at the first G20 Health Working Group and develop solutions that can be implemented," he said at the opening of the Health Working Group (HWG) meeting entitled "Harmonizing Global Health Protocol Standards" in Yogyakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, March 28.

The Minister of Health hopes that the forum will create an agreement so that travelers can safely move from one city to another, and from one country to another, and at the same time restore social and economic well-being.

Currently, the Minister of Health said, to allow gradual opening of cross-border, countries are starting to implement measures to reduce public health risks on cross-border travel.

However, according to him, due to the implementation of different health protocols from each other, it increases costs, complexity, and causes inconvenience.

Through this G20 forum, Budi Gunadi is optimistic that the implementation of health protocols can be harmonized and able to facilitate the mobility of people from one city to another, from one country to another.

"With global health protocols, we will be more and more connected and it is in our hands, to further connect our ties that keep our communities active," he said.

In addition, Minister of Health Budi said that the G20 in Indonesia also has its main agenda of strengthening the Global Health Architecture (Restructuring the Global Health Architecture).

There are three sub-agendas that will be pursued by Indonesia, namely building the resilience of the global health system, aligning global health protocol standards, and developing global manufacturing and knowledge centers for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

"The pandemic has made it clear that the global health architecture needs to be strengthened," he said.