Former KPK Chairman Busyro Muqoddas Defends Bambang Trihatmodjo For Upholding Equality In Front Of The Law

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Dr. M Busyro Muqoddas SH, M.Hum provided clarification regarding his position as a lawyer for the Chairperson of the XIX-1997 SEA Games Organizing Partner Consortium (KMP), Bambang Trihatmodjo along with Prisma Wardhana Sasmita and Hardjuno Wiwoho.

According to him, the case against his client was not a case of alleged corruption but an administrative case.

"This is not a corruption case, but our client's passport was prevented by the Government of Indonesia, in this case the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani," said Busyro in his statement, in Jakarta, Sunday, September 27.

Currently, he explained, the case that befell Bambang Trihatmodjo is being handled by the DKI Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). The origin is, there was a misunderstanding regarding the financing of the SEA Games in 1997.

In Law No. 18 of 2003 concerning advocates, among others, states that it is prohibited to differentiate clients based on gender, religion, politics, descent, race, culture and social background. This means, an advocate must be fair to all his clients without discrimination.

"As an advocate since 1979, I am bound and uphold a code of ethics, among others, regarding justice for all and the principle of equality before the law," he said.

Previously, Bambang Trihatmodjo's Attorney, Hardjuno Wiwoho assessed the Minister of Finance's decision No. 108 / KM.6 / 2020 dated 27 May 2020 concerning the stipulation of the extension of the prevention of traveling abroad for Bambang Trihatmodjo without having a strong legal basis.

"Pak Bambang Trihatmodjo cannot be held accountable as a person in his position as Chairman of the 1997 SEA Games Organizing Partner Consortium (KMP). PT Tata Insani Mukti is being held accountable. TEAM which was asked to take responsibility, "he explained.

Furthermore, another attorney, Prisma Wardhana added, this case must be viewed comprehensively, proportionally, fairly and wisely from a juridical, social and philosophical point of view regarding the interests of implementing the XIX 1997 SEA Games in Jakarta.

"And what the KMP SEA Games have done, the Indonesian nation is a dignified great nation, I hope this nation can always have a good prejudice in viewing and responding to this case with a noble conscience and character without having a tendency not to be conducive to the interests of certain groups or groups, "said Prisma.

Previously, the Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP) Law and Human Rights Council, Trisno Raharjo, argued that Busyro, who is also the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, personally must have had his own considerations when deciding as Bambang Trihatmodjo's attorney.

Trisno admitted that he understood Busyro's actions and choices in handling a case. Because, since 1993, he has followed Busyro's activities as an advocate.

"He (Busyro) will take the same stance, and in my opinion if there is something that is not in accordance with his defense viewpoint, I am sure he will resign from the team," said the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).