Pasha Ungu Appointed As Acting Mayor Of Palu

JAKARTA - Central Sulawesi Governor Longki Djanggola appointed Sigit Purnomo Said alias Pasha Ungu to become the Acting Mayor of Palu replacing Hidayat, who is on leave for participating in the Regional Election of Palu City, Central Sulawesi.

"Based on a decree from the Governor of Central Sulawesi, the temporary replacement of Mr. Hidayat as Mayor of Palu is Mr. Sigit Purnomo Said to run the government until the campaign period is over," said Head of Public Relations for Palu City, Goenawan, in Palu, Saturday, September 26.

Hidayat took 69 days off from September 26 to December 5, because he was following the campaign stages in the Palu regional election contest with his partner Habsa Yanti Ponulele.

He explained, according to Law Number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to Law number 24 of 2014 concerning Regional Government Article 65 paragraph 4 it is emphasized that in the event that a regional head is serving detention, or is temporarily unavailable, the deputy regional head carries out the duties and authorities. District head.

According to Goenawan, in carrying out his duties as head of government in the ranks of the Palu City Government, Sigit Purnomo carried out the policies that had been implemented previously as stated in the vision and mission of making Palu a service city, cultured, cultured based on faith and piety.

The governor's decree also states the implementation of policy making in strategic matters such as financial, institutional, personnel and licensing aspects as well as other strategic policies, executing the mayor's duties need to seek approval from the Minister of Home Affairs.

"Then in the next point, after the leave period outside the state's responsibility is over, the deputy mayor will report the implementation of his duties to the mayor," he added.

In the Central Sulawesi pilkada contest, Sigit Purnomo had run for deputy governor paired with Anwar Hafid, but the party's support for them only got seven seats, out of a minimum of nine seats required in the province.