2 Years Towards Elections It's Not Long, Airlangga Hartarto Asks Bali Golkar Cadres To Donate At Least 3 DPR Seats

BALI - Chairman of the DPP Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, targets the province of Bali to contribute a minimum of three seats to the Indonesian House of Representatives in the 2024 General Election.

In addition to targeting three seats from Bali, Airlangga also asked all party cadres bearing the banyan tree to return the seats that had been won by 75 seats in the provincial, district and city DPRD.

"We have three targets for the DPR RI. I see that there have been 75 members of our provincial, regency, city DPRD, and there have been a decline, so we are targeting to increase the number of future elections," said Airlangga during the consolidation and briefing of the Golkar Party DPD throughout Bali, Friday, March 25.

Airlangga admitted that although the number of seats fell, the number of votes for the Golkar Party rose from 380 thousand to 382,000 votes in the 2019 election. This shows that seats are getting more expensive. As a result, he asked all cadres in Bali to increase party votes in the 2024 General Election.

"If possible, as reported earlier, the Karangasem (Regency) Faction, which has the most (DPRD).

Airlangga, who is also the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, said that two years before the general election would not be long.

He instructed all cadres to start fighting for the victory of the Golkar Party from now on. This is because the Golkar Party DPP has targeted a victory of 20 percent of the seats in the DPR RI and a victory in the 2024 presidential election.

"Gentlemen, our target from the DPP nationally is 20 percent of the seats. But to win the president, 20 percent is not enough. The president must win 50 percent plus one," said Airlangga.

Temporary. Chairman of the Golkar DPD Bali Province, Sugawa Korry, said all cadres in Bali had started to move to fight for Golkar and Airlangga's victory as president in 2024.

He also admitted that until now the achievement of the Golkar Membership Card (KTA) for the Province of Bali has become the highest percentage nationally.

"The support for a thousand KTA per district in all districts and cities has reached one thousand people who have registered. Starting in May, the achievement of KTA is not only based on 1,000 KTA, but is as much as possible," said Sugawa Korry.

He also confirmed that he would prepare witnesses in 714 villages. Based on the experience of the 2019 general election, Golkar's vote acquisition was less controlled at polling stations. In fact, it is not uncommon for legal issues to arise in the collection process.

"Therefore, up to now, all of Bali, city districts have registered 150 young advocates who are ready to guard Golkar's votes at polling stations," said Sugawa.

The consolidation of the Golkar Party in Bali was attended by all party functionaries throughout Bali, members of the legislature throughout Bali, to the ranks of the Golkar Party DPP.