AHY Reminds Association Cadres In The Middle Of Political Polarization

JAKARTA - In a speech commemorating the 19th anniversary of the Democratic Party, the General Chairman of the Democrats Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) reminded his cadres about a number of things. Including the issue of political polarization and the lack of harmony between fellow components of the nation.

The eldest son of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia initially mentioned three major things that need to be considered by his cadres. First, the choices that must be made in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, in the midst of a major crisis due to the spread of this virus, all parties should choose to save people's lives while restoring the economy. He believes, with the right policies and strategies, these two things can be done.

Second, AHY asks that whatever policies are taken must be able to bring success but also prevent things that interfere with the survival of the nation.

Furthermore, AHY touched on the problem of polarization. AHY said that currently the harmony and togetherness between fellow components of the nation is experiencing a crisis.

"We still feel the sharp political polarization. We still feel the attitude of friends and foes in our social life. Therefore, it is very necessary to affirm the commitment to the unity of all components of the nation to face the challenges ahead," said AHY in his speech broadcast on a television station, Friday, September 25th.

AHY also asked all parties to work together so that the current crisis and emergency situation would actually make all parties do things that threaten people's lives.

"We should not solve problems by causing other problems. For example, in the midst of our efforts to deal with COVID-19, the Democratic Party firmly rejects the political agenda which has actually caused political upheaval and disturbed the government's efforts to focus on facing the pandemic," he said.

One of the party's actions to reject a political agenda that could create uproar was by rejecting the Pancasila Ideology Direction Bill (HIP), which was busy some time ago. AHY said that his party upholds Pancasila as the basis of the state which has been formulated and included in the constitution.

"Our position is firmly on the line of moderate politics. Refusing to be drawn to the extreme right or the left. The Democratic Party is a central party based on Pancasila with a religious nationalist ideology line," he said.

In addition, the party bearing the mercy star also emphasized that they continue to prevent democracy deviations, including the use of identity politics. In addition, he asked the government to listen more to the people's voices, including criticism and different opinions.

"Criticism from the people is an expression of the people's concern for their leadership and the love of the people for their country. The people want the state government and its leaders to be successful," he said.

"If the good, central and regional governments want to listen to their people, the people will respect and love their leaders," he said.