Village Fund Corruption, Former OKU Village Head Sued 7 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - Former Head of Pedataran Village, Ulu Ogan Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, Khairudin has been charged with seven years in prison.

The prosecutor assessed that Khairudin was proven guilty and convinced that he had committed a criminal act of corruption in the local village funds.

"It is true, the defendant Khairudin is charged with seven years in prison with a cut of his detention period and a fine of 200 million subsidiary to six months in prison," said Head of the OKU District Prosecutor, Bayu Paramesti through the Head of the Special Crimes Section, Johan Ciptadi in Baturaja, reported by Antara, Friday, September 25.

He stated that Khairudin was a former Head of Pedataran Village, Ulu Ogan Subdistrict, who was charged with committing a criminal act of corruption in the management of local village funds with a state loss of Rp. 404,737,761.

Apart from these charges, the defendant was also obliged to compensate the state for a loss of Rp404,737,761. If the replacement money is not paid by the defendant later, then the imprisonment for one year and 10 months in prison will be replaced.

"Currently the suspect is still at the Baturaja Detention Center, OKU Regency," he said.