Reconstruction Of Abortion Clinics At The Central Jakarta State Printing Agency: Unauthorized, Promotional Sites And Rations For Brokers

JAKARTA - The police are holding a case reconstruction of the illegal abortion clinic at Jalan Percetakan Negara III, Central Jakarta. There are three facts revealed through the demonstration of 63 scenes.
Deputy Director of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Jean Calvijn Simanjuntak said, the facts that have just been revealed include no license to practice, making websites is done by brokers, and the largest share of the results obtained by brokers.
"The first fact is that the location used in the abortion practice has no license at all in terms of health. The clinic, practice or operation license is there. This includes the team including doctors who do not have the competence and certification," Calvijn told reporters on Friday. 25 September
Then, the second fact is about the website created by brokers. Thus, in the practice of illegal abortion, brokers play a very big role in catching patients.
In fact, the telephone number listed on the website belongs to the broker. That way, all people who would become patients always go through brokers.
"This second fact is interesting for us because it turns out that the role of the broker is very big. It was found that the suspect RA (clinic owner) without a broker, without a website for patient recruitment, is very difficult," he said.
Finally, the question of the fact that the broker gets a greater share of the profits. This is because in their agreement the middlemen will receive 50 percent. As for the owner, only about half of it was shared by other medical teams.
"What is clear is that if these patients come using the website, the share is 50 percent for the brokers on the website who deliver and 50 percent for abortion owners. The 50 percent is shared by the support team and the owner of the abortion place," he said.
The police named 10 suspects in the abortion clinic case at Jalan Percetakan Negara III. One of them is a doctor, the other is the owner of the clinic.
The suspects had initials, LA (52), DK (30), NA (30), MM (38), YA (51), RA (52), LL (50), ED (28), SM (62), and RS (25). The suspects are subject to Article 346 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 348 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and / or Article 194 in conjunction with Article 75 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health with a maximum threat of 10 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.