Files An Appeal, NTB's Kajati Does Not Accept Corruption Convicts Corn Seeds To Be Released

MATARAM - Head of the West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office, Sungarpin, confirmed that the public prosecutor would file a cassation case regarding the appeal decision that the accused corn seed corruption suspect, namely the director of PT Sinta Agro Mandiri (SAM), Aryanto Prametu, was acquitted of all lawsuits (Ontslag Van Rechtsvervolging).

"Because the decision is 'Ontslag' (apart from all lawsuits), by the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), we will file an appeal", said Sungarpin in Mataram, Friday, March 25.

Meanwhile, the response regarding the verdicts of the other three defendants, namely the former Head of the Department of Agriculture and Plantation (Distanbun) NTB Husnul Fauzi; Commitment-making official (PPK) Ida Wayan Wikanaya, and corn seed provider from PT Wahana Banu Sejahtera (WBS) Lalu Ikhwanul Hubby, said Sungarpin, the NTB Attorney General's Office will still conduct an in-depth study.

"For the other three, because the verdicts are lighter, under the prosecutor's demands, later we will review the excerpts of their decisions first. Is it appropriate (legal considerations) or not", he said, quoted by Antara.

The Mataram High Court on March 23, 2022, issued an appeal decision against four defendants for corruption of IDR 27.35 billion in the Ministry of Agriculture project regarding the procurement of hybrid corn seed varieties III in 2017 in the NTB area.

Of the four defendants, Aryanto Prametu, one of the directors of the supplier of the good, was acquitted of all legal charges.

The panel of judges stated that Aryanto Prametu's actions were proven to have violated the primary charges, but could not be sentenced because his actions included administrative violations.

The decision of the appeals panel with the composition of Suhartono as co-chair of its members, I Gede Komang Ady Natha and Mahsan, also ordered the public prosecutor to release the defendant Aryanto Prametu from detention.

As for the other three defendants, the appellate judge upheld the decision of the first instance court. However, in the decision, the judge improved the sentences of each defendant with a cut of two years in prison.

Such as the appeal verdict for the defendant Husnul Fauzi. From the previous 13 years to 11 years in prison. For fines and criminal evidence, by the decision of the court of the first instance.

Likewise, for the defendant Wikanaya, the appellate judge only improved the sentence from 11 to 9 years in prison. The Hubby Brotherhood was sentenced to 6 years from the previous 8 years in prison.

In the verdict, the four defendants were still found proven to have violated Article 2 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 18 of Law No. 20/2001 on Amendments to Law No. 31/1999 on Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption Juncto Article 55 paragraph 1-1 KUHP, according to the contents of the primary indictment.