PLN Signs 4 Strategic Cooperation To Accelerate Clean Energy Transition In RI

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) signed 4 cooperation agreements at the Energy Transition Working Group 1 (ETWG) forum in Yogyakarta, Thursday 24 March.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo detailed the four strategic cooperation agreements, namely the MoU for the Construction of a Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) with the Association of State-Owned Banks or Himbara, which consists of Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI, and BTN.

Second, PLN has also entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for two projects, namely the development of PLTS in Bali with Medco Power and also the development of the 5.4 MW Kukusan-2 PLTM in Lampung with Arkora Energi Baru. PLN also conducted a Financial Close of the Sukarame PLTM with a capacity of 7 MW in Lampung by Lampung Hydro Energy.

The third strategic cooperation is also carried out in the Renewable Energy Certificate sector from PLN to 6 companies amounting to more than 500 MWh per year from PLN's EBT plants.

Finally, PLN also conducted a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Wide Fund (WWF) Foundation on technical assistance in improving the quality of social environmental standards and New Renewable Energy (EBT) infrastructure projects in Indonesia.

Darmawan said through a strategic cooperation agreement to reduce global emissions as a symbol that the development of EBT is currently the main focus of PLN. In developing NRE and implementing PLN's energy transition agenda, it opens up opportunities for cooperation with all parties.

"In the future, the development of EBT and efforts to reduce emissions will be the focus of all parties in reducing global emissions. This collaboration is a real commitment from the results of this first ETWG meeting," said Darmawan.

"This step is also part of the PLN program to achieve the carbon neutral target in 2060," he concluded.