Motives Still Investigated, 3 Perpetrators Of Abuse Of Mother And Daughter In Garut Threatened To 7 Years In Prison

BANDUNG - The Garut Resort Police have arrested three perpetrators of cases of vandalism and mistreatment of the mother and child of the occupants of the house in Samarang District, Garut Regency, West Java.

"In connection with this incident, the Samarang Police, the Garut Police have secured the suspect for further investigation," said Samarang Police Chief Kompol Jajang during a press conference in Garut, Antara, Thursday, March 24.

The three suspected cases of abuse have the initials YM (37), DC (45), and AM (35) residents of Garut. Meanwhile, the victim's initials are SM and their daughter RH, residents of Bongkor Village, Cinta Rakyat Village, Samarang District.

The police chief said that the three people would be charged with Article 170 sub 351, sub 406 regarding torture and vandalism with a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison. "The maximum penalty is seven years in prison," he said.

He conveyed that the case began with reports of the victim's child who was visited by three people to his house, Tuesday, March 22 in the early hours of the morning by destroying houses, household appliances, and abuse.

A number of police officers who came to the scene immediately arrested the three people who were in the victim's house.

"Our members went directly to the crime scene and immediately secured what is now suspected of being the perpetrator of vandalism, alleged beatings, and persecution," said the Sector Police Chief.

Regarding the perpetrator's action as a robbery, the Police Chief denied. There were no missing items at the scene, as well as the results of a temporary inspection, the perpetrator's actions were due to business with the victim.

"We are still investigating the motive, but for the time being there is a connection between the perpetrator and the victim," he said.

The police chief said that he was still investigating the case, as well as collecting other evidence in a transparent and professional manner to create a sense of justice for the community.

"We continue to collect other evidence to support the report, at this time we are still conducting the investigation in a professional and transparent and accountable manner," he explained.