Historical Records: Indonesian People Succeed Ganefo Through Crowdfunding

JAKARTA - Soekarno's mentality raised the status of Indonesia as a nation's historical record. The echoes of his resistance to colonialism and imperialism often get the support of the Indonesian people. Support poured in every time Soekarno spoke in international forums.

Even when Soekarno wanted to make a rival Olympics event. Organizing it is almost impossible if the people do not step in to help. The people participated in crowdfunding for the success of the presence of the big sporting event. Ganefo, his name.

Bung Karno's seriousness against imperialism and colonialism was not only spoken by mouth. Bung Karno often sided with those who felt colonized. Therefore, he openly rejected the participation of Israel and Taiwan in the 1962 Asian Games.

According to him, Israel is like a common enemy for annexing the Palestinian territories. Perpetuating violence too. Meanwhile, his rejection of Taiwan boils down to Indonesia's sympathy for China. Taiwan is accused of being nothing more than a puppet of British imperialism. Bung Karno's decision cannot be contested. He was ready with all the consequences of his political attitude.

The Indonesian contingent files at the opening of Ganefo I at the Senayan Main Stadium on November 10, 1963. (Wikimedia Commons)

Indonesia was also sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). IOC Indonesia's membership was suspended, and even resulted in a ban from participating in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The decision was deemed the IOC commensurate. Because, Indonesia has gone far by mixing political affairs with sports.

Indonesia was also asked to apologize. However, Bung Karno acted otherwise. The IOC is considered two-faced. In fact, many other countries, especially western countries, often interfere in political affairs in sports. The IOC's attitude is like silence. As a form of disappointment with the IOC, Bung Karno fought back. He initiated the rival Olympics. Games of the New Emerging Forces (Ganefo), his name.

“The implementation cannot be separated from the political situation at that time. Namely, the heating up of Indonesia's relations with Western countries. Including the West's side with Malaysia since Indonesia confronted the neighboring country. Moreover, the implementation of the Asian Games IV has resulted in the breakdown of Indonesia's relations with the International Olympic Committee (IOC)."

“The IOC accused Indonesia of mixing sports with politics. By rejecting Taiwan and Israel at the Games. Finally, Indonesia left the IOC. To compete with the world Olympics, Bung Karno also held Ganefo," said Alwi Shahab in his book Betawi: Queen of the East (2002).

Crowdfunding Brings Ganefo

Bung Karno's courage to leave the IOC got public attention. What's more, the organization of Ganefo. The face of Indonesia and its people is at stake. All Indonesian people are reluctant to accept that their nation is considered a braggart nation.

The choice of organizing Ganefo also has an emotional closeness. Ganefo is not just an order from the president, but an order from all Indonesian people. This attitude is inspired by all classes and elements of society. From commoners to businessmen. This is one of the historical records of sports in Indonesia.

Likewise with international support. Dozens of countries expressed their attitude to participate and support the implementation of Ganefo. All of them have the same attitude with Indonesia. They want sport and politics to be used openly. And Ganefo is the perfect place for that. Even so, the funds to hold Ganefo are relatively large.

Poster of Ganefo I in Jakarta 10-22 November 1963. (Special)

"Soekarno took the initiative to organize Ganefo (Games of the New Emerging Forces) with the aim of building a sports arena as a bridge of strong and solid friendship from countries called The New Emerging Forces towards perfect peace. The 51 participating countries at that time were all in a position to 'oppose' the political power of the United States which dominates the world.”

“The group of countries participating in Ganefo can be seen as 'ally' of the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China with Marxist and communist ideologies, which are clearly at odds with the US. Ganefo proves that limited funds are not an obstacle to express political attitudes in the international world by exploiting people's interest in something - in this case people's liking for sports - and not by economic activity or cooperation in the military field, "explained Brigitta Isworo Laksmi and Primastuti Handayani in the book MF Siregar: Matahari Sports Indonesia (2008).

All Indonesian people understand that Indonesia's prestige is at stake through the implementation of Ganefo. As for the lack of funds, it was immediately resolved with the help of the people. All levels of society are mobilizing to contribute as much as they can for the implementation of Ganefo. In fact, the Indonesian government has set up a special account for those who want to donate named: Ganefo Charity Fund.

Indonesian people in remote parts of the country also participated in the success of the crowdfunding for Ganefo. In fact, the assistance provided is not only limited to money. Many of them provide assistance in the form of goods. People in North Sumatra, for example. In addition to the money, they sent 2,400 bottles of the typical North Sumatran drink, Passion fruit. Batak land did not want to lose. They donated tens of ulos cloth for souvenirs.

The opening ceremony of Ganefo I at the Senayan Main Stadium, Jakarta on November 10, 1963. (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia)

Indonesia's popularity of hosting Ganefo is increasing. A lot of funds and goods came to the Government of Indonesia. Bung Karno even made special instructions because there was so much crowdfunding. In fact, Indonesia's economic condition is in disarray.

Bung Karno issued Presidential Instruction No. 011 of 1963, its contents stated that since November 8, 1963 all forms of fundraising for Ganefo were stopped. If the aid is in the form of goods, it must be cashed immediately. Most importantly, Bung Karno emphasized that the proceeds from the crowdfunding could not be used for any activities without the permission of the Chief of Staff of the President General Ganefo. That big celebration can be realized on November 10-22, 1963, because of that.

"The president issued instructions with the consideration that Ganefo is a government effort that concerns the achievements and dignity of the state, so the contributions made by the people for the benefit of Ganefo called the Ganefo National Fund need to be properly recorded and accounted for."

"In addition, so that the donations from the masses are equal to the amount actually donated, it is not permissible for anyone to use Ganefo's funds to finance various project efforts," concluded Muhidin M. Dahlan in the historical notebook, Ganefo: Olympian Left Indonesia ( 2019).