The Capital In The Hands Of Anies Baswedan, PSI: Almost 5 Years Of No Progress, Everything Is Just Cosmetics

JAKARTA - Member of the PSI faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, William Aditya Sarana, has assessed the development of Jakarta during the nearly five years that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has been in office. He said, the development program carried out by Anies so far has almost no progress.

"Jakarta has not made significant progress. In fact, it can be said that there is almost no progress. If I see it for about five years, this is cosmetic," William said in a virtual discussion, Thursday, March 24.

What can be seen, for William, is that Anies is only polishing the infrastructure to cover other unfinished work.

"So, there are many things that are cosmetic in nature, look beautiful, there are achievements, but actually they cover up the insignificant progress," he said.

William revealed that the 5 Anies programs in Jakarta that he meant did not have this progress. The first is the issue of Anies' closure on budgeting in the APBD.

William said that the public cannot monitor the calculation process until the final result of using the budget. This is different from the openness of budgeting during the leadership of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama while he was the Governor of DKI.

"Since the time of Pak Anies, it has been very difficult for us to monitor the budget. In the previous governor's administration, it was easy for us to access a web budget, even when the budget was still in raw form. Of course this is a setback," said William.

Second, regarding flood management. William views that Anies is actually hampering the performance of flood prevention planned with the central government because he has not freed up river normalization land.

Third, regarding the Rp0 DP House program. This program has been Anies' mainstay since the campaign period. Of the promised target of 250 thousand housing units, up to now the construction is still around 1,500 units.

Fourth is the matter of the construction of the Jakarta LRT. During Anies' leadership, there was no continuation of the LRT construction route, which is still operating from Kelapa Gading to Velodrome Rawamangun.

"The construction of the LRT in Pak Anies' time could also be said to have stalled. In fact, this LRT is a program that has a very strong legal basis, which is regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 5 of 2018," said William.

Fifth, about the OK OCE program. Since the beginning of his leadership, Anies has been keen to promote this business capital facility program to the public. From the promise of 200 thousand MSMEs which will be facilitated by capital, so far the target has only been achieved around 6 thousand MSMEs.

"So, from these five things, we can conclude that there are no significant Jakarta development programs. These are just beautiful cosmetics to hide this insignificant progress," he added.