National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Asks All Staff, If Any Members Involved In Drugs Are Immediately Fired
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed all his staff to continue to be committed to preventing and suppressing the circulation of narcotics in Indonesia. Sigit reminded all police officers not to 'play around' with narcotics. The reason is, he will not hesitate to give strict punishments or sanctions.
"And I also ask my colleagues, all the Regional Police Chief and the Head of the Resort Police, if any member is involved in firing, punish them and give them the maximum penalty. That's our commitment. I don't want any part of the Polri institution to play with this," said Sigit based on written statement received, Thursday 24, March, afternoon.
On the other hand, if a member reveals a drug crime, then Sigit does not hesitate to give an award. As has just happened, namely the disclosure of 1.196 tons of methamphetamine.
"But for members who reveal and have achievements, I am also committed to giving rewards. So that the performance of members will continue to be better," added Sigit at the same time ending.
It is known that the National Police Chief General Sigit chaired a press conference on the disclosure of 1.196 tons of methamphetamine at the Intelkam Education and Security Center, Soreang, West Java, Thursday, March 24.
"Therefore, I give my appreciation to colleagues who made disclosures. I think what you have done is certainly a part and contribution for us to keep the Government's program in realizing superior human resources, towards Indonesia Maju or Indonesia Emas, really we are can take care," explained Sigit.
According to Sigit, the disclosure of 1.196 tons of methamphetamine through the Joint Investigation between the Criminal Investigation Police, the West Java Police Narcotics Directorate and the West Java BNNP, is one of the biggest successes in early 2022.
With this disclosure, Sigit explained that, during the 2022 drug disclosures from January to March, the National Police had revealed 2.73 tons of crystal methamphetamine, 7.24 tons of marijuana and 230,789 pills of ecstasy.
"I hope that in the future major disclosures will continue to be carried out. And most importantly how do we prevent drugs from entering the country. And, then how to give maximum punishment to dealers. So that Indonesia will not become a market for them. , said the former Banten Police Chief.
In order to save the nation's generation, Sigit also hopes that dealers or dealers who enter and distribute drugs in Indonesia can be given the maximum punishment. According to him, this is to be a deterrent effect for drug offenders.
"Of course we urge our partners in the Attorney General's Office and the District Court to give the maximum punishment to the perpetrators. So we certainly have the duty and responsibility so that our generation, our young generation, can really be protected from the threat of drugs," said Sigit.
Regarding the disclosure of this case, Sigit also instructed his staff to ensnare the perpetrators with the article on money laundering (TPPU).
Furthermore, Sigit said that, from the successful disclosure of 1,196 tons of methamphetamine, the police and related stakeholders managed to save approximately 5,980,000 people from the potential for narcotics abuse.