Dossier Of Suspect Regent Of Inactive HSU Completed For Trial

BANJARMASIN - The case file for the alleged corruption case with the inactive North Hulu Sungai Regent (HSU) suspect Abdul Wahid has been completed by investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for further trial in court. ," said KPK Public Prosecutor Titto Jaelani in Banjarmasin, Thursday, March 24. Along with the transfer of case files, the suspect will also be detained by the panel of judges and placed in custody at the Banjarmasin Penitentiary. KPK detainees in Jakarta to facilitate the trial process by directly presenting the defendant in court face-to-face. "As with the other three people in the same case, the person concerned will also sit in front of the panel of judges to face the judicial process," he explained. served as Regent of HSU two p At that time, the KPK team arrested the Acting Head of the PUPRP Service HSU Maliki and two contractors Marhaini and Fachriadi while transacting bribes for irrigation projects in HSU Regency. Marhaini and Fachriadi have been sentenced to 1 year and 9 months in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million by the panel of judges at the Banjarmasin Corruption Court. Meanwhile, Maliki is just waiting for the trial of the prosecution's demands on Wednesday, March 30 next week.