Febri Resigns From The KPK, Nawawi: It Is Hard For Me To Lose Friends In Discussion

JAKARTA - KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango appreciates the decision of the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the KPK, Febri Diansyah, who decided to resign. Nawawi admitted that it was hard to lose Febri, his best friend discussing himself.

"Maybe I am the first person Mas Febri talked to about his desire to resign. We had a discussion in my office some time ago before the person concerned submitted his application letter," said Nawawi when contacted by VOI, Friday, September 25.

He admits that he respects the decision even though it is tough. The reason is that the former judge at the Corruption Court often discussed with Febri.

"It's hard for me to lose friends to discuss but I have to respect the attitude that Mas Febri has taken," he said.

"I believe everyone will make the best decision for himself and his loved ones. Once again I believe in that and I know he will do something for the KPK from outside," said Nawawi.

It is known, Febri Diansyah, who was once the spokesman for the KPK and now the Head of the KPK Public Relations Bureau, submitted his resignation from the KPK. One of the reasons is that he feels that the atmosphere at the KPK is now different, including the narrower space to contribute in eradicating corruption due to changes to the KPK Law.

Regarding this, Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri said that whatever judgments and decisions made by his colleagues were still respected and respected by anti-graft institutions. Just like Nawawi, he also hopes that Febri will stay with the KPK in making efforts to eradicate corruption.

Regarding the dismissal letter for Febri's resignation request, Ali said that currently the KPK HR Bureau is processing it.

"Furthermore, of course the leadership will elect an executing officer / plt who will occupy the position of Head of Public Relations until the definitive official is elected through a selection process mechanism," he said.

This resignation, said Ali, would not affect the corruption prevention or eradication program at the KPK. "So far, several agendas and programs for the prevention and eradication of corruption that have been planned have been running as usual," he concluded.