President Joko Widodo Visits A Traditional Market In Kupang

KUPANG - President Joko Widodo visited the Penfui Market in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), one of the traditional markets in Kupang City, Thursday, March 24. As quoted by Antara, President Jokowi only had a few minutes at the market to meet residents and traders in the area. the market. Since getting out of the vehicle, the President immediately greeted the traders in the market. NTT Governor Viktor B Laiskodat and Minister of State Secretary Pratikno. Lia, a trader who was met at the market, said he was proud and happy that President Jokowi directly talked to him and provided compensation to him.

"Earlier, Pak Jokowi ordered me to stay healthy because I was still in the pandemic period. Pak Jokowi also asked about the results from my sales," he added. "I was surprised because Pak Jokowi suddenly stopped and immediately bought my vegetables. Thank you, Pak Jokowi," said Humau, a vegetable trader at the market. President Jokowi was in the market for 10 minutes. After leaving the Penfui market, Jokowi then went straight to El Tari Kupang airport to fly by helicopter to Timor Tengah Selatan Regency (TTS). In that district, Jokowi will review the stunting reduction program, where TTS Regency is said to have the most stunting cases.