Government Urges Local Government To Supervise HET Of Bulk Cooking Oil In The Market

JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KS) has asked local governments to be involved in overseeing the implementation of the Highest Retail Price (HET) for bulk cooking oil of Rp.

"The involvement of the regional government is very crucial so that the distribution of bulk cooking oil in traditional markets can run smoothly, and can prevent potential price changes at retailers above HET," said Deputy III KSP, Panutan Sulendrakusuma, in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday. March 23.

According to him, the involvement of the local government will make the supervision of the HET of bulk cooking oil more optimal and structured. Currently, according to him, there is still a practice of selling bulk cooking oil above the HET.

"Regarding this (the involvement of the regional government), we have conveyed it to the coordination meeting with the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry and the Food Task Force, a few days ago," he said.

So far, he said, the availability of bulk cooking oil is in traditional markets. If the monitoring of HET policies is only carried out by the central government without involving local governments (pemda), it will be difficult to control and ensure that HET runs in the field.

"If local governments are involved, they can order market managers to participate in supervising distribution and HET. As a result, local governments only need to report to the center. Of course this needs coordination with the Ministry of Home Affairs as well," he said.

KSP, he said, received information that 42 producers had registered as suppliers of bulk cooking oil with an HET of Rp. 14,000. With this amount, he said, KSP ensures the availability of bulk cooking oil will be safe.

"That's enough to meet the needs of 7,000 tons per day," he said.

The current government also continues to encourage and convince producers to participate in maintaining the continuity of the supply of bulk cooking oil by registering with the Ministry of Industry through the National Industrial Information System (SIINas).

"At the same time, we also ask the relevant ministries to shorten the time for disbursing subsidies so that producers will not be disturbed by the flow of funds, and be more enthusiastic about producing bulk so that the number of producers registering continues to grow," he said.

President Joko Widodo had previously asked the Ministry of Trade to issue an HET policy of Rp. 14,000 for bulk cooking oil, while simple and premium packaged cooking oil was released to economic prices. The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency will subsidize the price of bulk cooking oil to producers. That way, producers get incentives to continue to produce bulk cooking oil, so that consumers get affordable prices. he.