Attorney General's Name Appears In The Pinangki Indictment, AGO: Facts Of Later Investigation At Trial

JAKARTA - The name Attorney General ST Burhanuddin was included in the indictment of the prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari in the bribery case of the Supreme Court (MA) Joko Tjandra's fatwa. Burhanuddin's name was included in the Pinangki action plan with Andi Irfan Jaya regarding the proposal to Joko Tjandra.

Attorney General for Special Crimes at the Attorney General's Office, Ali Mukartono said that in connection with the Pinangki investigation, which led to the emergence of Burhanuddin 's name, it would be open in court. Including the matter of whether or not the Pinangki prosecutor was named in the action plan to free Joko Tjandra from imprisonment in the case of transfer of claim rights to Bank Bali.

"I didn't say that (Pinangki mancatut). The facts of the investigation will be in the facts of the trial," Ali told reporters, Thursday, September 24.

The rest, Ali refused to comment on the alleged depilation of the name of the Attorney General in the MA fatwa. He repeatedly said that all will be opened in the trial.

"Just follow the trial, then conclude it yourself," he said.

As previously reported, the names Burhanuddin and Hatta Ali were mentioned in the action plan points two, three, six and seven. In point two, it is stated that the letter sent from the lawyer to BR (Burhanuddin / Officials of the Attorney General's Office) which Pinangki Sirna Malasari meant as a letter of request for a Supreme Court (MA) fatwa from the lawyer to the Attorney General to be forwarded to the Supreme Court.

Responsible for this action is IR (Andi Irfan Jaya) and AK (Dr. Anita Kolopaking) which will be held on February 24, 2020 to February 25, 2020.

The third action plan is BR (Burhanuddin / Official of the Attorney General's Office) sending a letter to HA (Hatta Ali / Supreme Court Officer). According to prosecutors, Pinangki called it a follow-up to a letter from a lawyer regarding the Supreme Court Fatwa request. The person in charge for this Action is IR (Andi Irfan Jaya) and P (Pinangki, the defendant) which will be held on February 26, 2020 to March 1, 2020.

Meanwhile, the 6th action plan is HA (Hatta Ali / Supreme Court Officer) in response to BR (Burhanuddin / Supreme Court Officer). What the defendant meant was the response to the Supreme Court letter to the AGO's letter regarding the MA fatwa request. Person in charge for the HA (Hatta Ali / MA Official) / DK (unknown) and AK (Anita Kolopaking) action plan which will be implemented March 6-16 2020.

The 7th action plan was that BR (Burhanuddin / Official of the Attorney General's Office) issued instructions related to the letter HA (Hatta Ali / Supreme Court Officer), what the Defendant meant was that the Attorney General's Office instructed his subordinates to implement the Supreme Court Fatwa. The person in charge for this action is IF (unknown) / P (Pinangki / defendant), which will be held on March 16, 2020 to March 26, 2020.

In this indictment, it was stated that not a single action plan was realized. Even though Djoko Tjandra has already given Pinangki a down payment of 500 thousand US dollars or the equivalent of Rp7.5 billion.