11 Orange-crested Cockatoos Released By Maluku BKSDA At The End Of March

AMBON - A total of 11 wild orange-crested cockatoos (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) which were handed over by the West Seram Police to the Maluku Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) are planned to be released at the end of March.

“The delivery was two weeks ago, and now the bird is in the passo cage. At the end of the month, if there are instructions from investigators, we will also release them," said Maluku BKSDA Public Relations Officer Seto Purwanto, in Ambon, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

The orange-crested cockatoo is often referred to by local residents as the orange-crested cockatoo. The condition of the 11 birds is healthy and still wild. Therefore, the bird will soon be released into its habitat.

Previously, this cockatoo was taken by a minibus from Bula, East Seram Regency, to the port of Hati, Piru City, by Wahyudi Kilbaren, Luki Renyaan, and Andika Kilbaren. in front of the SBB Police, in early March.

The driver of the car, Luki, one of the introductions to the wildlife, was then brought into the Resort Police for questioning.

The driver said he was given IDR 1.5 million by the owner at Bula SBT to take the goods to Piru City and it would be given to one of the crew members, Anton. Then the bird will be brought to Manokwari, West Papua Province, to be handed over to him.

To note, in Indonesia, the orange-crested cockatoo is protected in Government Regulation No.7/1999 concerning the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species, and if kept illegally, it can have legal consequences. This could put the person in prison for up to five years and a fine of Rp. 100 million.