The Compactness Of PDIP, NasDem And PPP Concerning The Amendment Of The 1945 Constitution: Instead Of Risking The Stability Of The Nation

JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) agrees with the political stance of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) which does not want to continue with the plan for a limited amendment to the 1945 Constitution.

This follows the support of NasDem, which also agreed with PDIP, on the proposal to postpone the amendment of the Constitution related to the main points of state policy (PPHN) for fear of being ridiculed by the interest in the discourse of extending the presidential term. Deputy Chairperson of the PPP DPP, Arsul Sani, agreed that the limited amendment to present the PPHN was postponed until the next period of the MPR RI. Arsul is also worried about other issues that will accompany the amendment to the 1945 Constitution. In particular, the discourse on postponing the 2024 General Election.

"PPP agrees with PDIP that if the amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia opens up other issues, such as election delays and others, it would be better during this period that the amendment does not need to be made," said Arsul, Monday, March 21.

The Deputy Chairperson of the MPR assessed that other issues outside the PPHN have the potential to cause chaos that could disrupt social, political and security stability. For example, said Arsul, the issue of postponing elections that triggers pros and cons to polemics in the community. In fact, Arsul added, during the economic recovery period after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to guarantee good stability in all fields. "Instead of risking the stability of the nation, it is better for us to postpone the amendment for the next period," said Arsul. Previously, the Chairman of the PDIP DPP as well as the Deputy Chair of the MPR from the PDIP Faction Ahmad Basarah asked that the planned amendment to the 1945 Constitution related to PPHN was not carried out during the 2019-2024 MPR period. This is because PDIP is worried that stowaways will include other agendas in the limited amendment plan. "It is better if the limited amendment plan to the 1945 Constitution is not implemented in the 2019-2024 period," said Basarah.