Alluding To The Mafia's Role In Leading To Scarcity Of Cooking Oil, Dedi Mulyadi: The Public Must Know The Perpetrators

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the DPR RI, Dedi Mulyadi, mentioned the possible role of the mafia when there was a shortage of cooking oil some time ago.

"This (scarcity of cooking oil) must be investigated and acted upon immediately, who is the real perpetrator of the cooking oil mafia. The public must know the perpetrators," said Dedi Mulyadi, quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 20.

Dedi Mulyadi mentioned the possibility of a mafia because when the Government regulates prices, there is a shortage of cooking oil in almost all regions in the country.

When the price is no longer regulated by the Government, it is handed over to the market, suddenly there is an abundance of cooking oil in the market.

"This means that there are parties who deliberately store things first. After opening, their space will be sold at the price they want," said Dedi.

According to him, his party had previously proposed the formation of a special committee (pansus) that focused on investigating the problem of cooking oil. This has also been approved through a joint commission meeting some time ago.

He sees the need to investigate the scarcity of cooking oil that occurs in almost all regions in Indonesia. Thus, it can be ascertained whether there is a mafia role or not.

It is also said that this step must be taken immediately so that this country is free from the mafia who take advantage when the people suffer.

It is also hoped that the special committee will be able to prevent similar cases from happening to a number of other staples.

"This is so that this country is not played by people who take advantage of the suffering of the people. Did our country lose to the mafia?" he said.