346 COVID-19 Patients In Belitung Undergo Self-isolation

BELITUNG - The Belitung Regency Health Office (Dinkes), Bangka Belitung Islands Province, recorded that 346 of the 357 positive COVID-19 patients in the area were undergoing self-isolation to restore health.

"A total of 346 patients are undergoing self-isolation with a period of 10 days to recover from COVID-19," said Head of the Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Division of the Belitung Health Service, Joko Sarjono in Tanjung Pandan as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 19.

According to him, 11 other COVID-19 patients are currently undergoing treatment in the COVID-19 isolation room at the Marsidi Judono Hospital in Belitung.

He said that every COVID-19 patient who underwent self-isolation at home received strict supervision by officers from the local Health Service

"We ask them to be disciplined to undergo self-isolation until the specified time limit to be able to recover and be healthy," he said.

Joko added that the number of active COVID-19 cases in the area since 2020 has reached 10,210 people, 9,602 people have recovered and 251 people have died.

"So the current number of active cases is 357 cases," he said.

He appealed to the public to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols considering that COVID-19 cases in the area had increased in the last few days.

"Then for people who have not participated in the COVID-19 vaccination program, we hope that they will immediately participate in the vaccination program at a number of health care facilities and available vaccine outlets," he said.