You Can Pay PBB In Jakarta Through GoPay

JAKARTA - The GoPay digital wallet service collaborates with the DKI Jakarta Province Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) and DKI Bank, to make it easier for users to pay taxes and levies by using GoPay through the GoTagihan feature in the Gojek application.

According to GoPay's Managing Director, Budi Gandasoebrate, he hopes that this will maximize the use of non-cash transactions in various aspects, and can make transactions easier for the public, especially when the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government again imposes Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).

"We continue to carry the spirit to facilitate the community and support local governments to improve the quality of public services by introducing non-cash payment technology," Budi said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 23.

"Until now, there have been 12 regions that have used GoPay and GoTagihan as options for paying local taxes and levies. This innovation is in line with government instructions to maximize non-cash transactions in government financial transactions," he added.

Responding to this, the Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini. hopefully, this collaboration with Bapenda DKI Jakarta and Bank DKI will not only make it easier for Jakarta residents but also the government to collect taxes so that it becomes safer and more transparent.

DKI Bank also has several digital-based services that can be used for various kinds of financial transactions including the payment of local taxes and levies.

This collaboration is also believed to help maximize the potential for regional revenue in DKI Jakarta Province. Bank Indonesia believes that local revenue (PAD) can increase significantly by an average of 11 percent if local governments take advantage of non-cash transactions.

"We are intensively collaborating with several parties to streamline our public services, one way is by partnering with GoPay to provide practical solutions in paying PBB and fees," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regional Revenue Agency, Mohammad Tsani Annafari.

Here's how to pay PBB and retribution through GoTagihan on GoPay:

1. Open the Gojek application

2. Select GoTagihan

3. Select the Public Services Category

1. Select the PBB icon for PBB payment or the Retribution icon for the payment of the levy

2. Enter the ID number / billing number

3. Confirm

4. Enter the GoPay Secret PIN

5. After the payment is successful, swipe up to see the payment details.