These 36 People Escaped When They Wanted To Be Executed In Prison, Aceh's Prosecutor's Office Formed A Team Of Hunters

JAKARTA - The Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) is hunting for 36 convicts from various cases to be executed in prison. They will serve the sentence that has been decided by the panel of judges.

Aceh Attorney General's Office Intelligence Assistant M Rohmadi said on Saturday 19 March that the Aceh Attorney General's Office had formed a fugitive arrest team to find and pursue the convicts who were on the wanted list (DPO).

"They became fugitives and entered the DPO, because they fled when they were about to be executed and went to prison to serve their sentences. Up to now, there are 36 convicts who are still being hunted and entered into the DPO," said M Rohmadi as quoted by Antara.

Of the 36 convicts, said M Rohmadi, at most they were convicted of general crimes. Most of those who were sentenced to lashes for violating Islamic law.

"The caning convicts fled because they were not detained during the legal process. Even though they escaped, the Aceh Attorney General's Office will continue to pursue them at any time," said M Rohmadi.

In addition to the caning convicts, said M Rohmadi, there are four corruption convicts who are included in the DPO of the Aceh Prosecutor's Office. They probably fled outside Aceh.

"In fact, there was a DPO who was observed to be in Malaysia. Regarding the presence of a DPO in the neighboring country, you have coordinated with the Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrest the person concerned," said M Rohmadi.

M Rohmadi said that although the DPOs were no longer in Aceh, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the sow team to seek, chase, and arrest them. Because they have to be punished for what they did.

"We invite the public to inform them if they see and know the whereabouts of the DPO. We are also coordinating with other relevant agencies to pursue the fugitives," said M Rohmadi.