Together With Hengky Kurniawan, General Dudung Groundbreaking The Little Madinah Development In West Bandung
JAKARTA - KSAD General TNI Dudung Abdurachman laid the first stone as a prelude to the construction of Little Madinah in Cililin District, West Bandung Regency.
KSAD Dudung conducted the groundbreaking for the construction of Little Madinah based on a request from the Acting Regent of West Bandung Regency Hengky Kurniawan which was conveyed to him some time ago.
According to Hengky, the construction of Little Madinah is to organize the Cililin Square garden so that it becomes a tourist destination and a place to stop. With the existence of Little Medina in the square, it is hoped that it will become an icon of the city of santri and religious tourism for the community.
Initially, Dudung first watched the video of the activity of the construction of the square, gave a speech and ended by conducting a groundbreaking for the implementation of the Little Madinah development, as stated in the Dispenad statement, Saturday 19 March.
In his speech, Dudung said, the construction of the square in Cililin District is a very good breakthrough because it can increase tourism in West Bandung Regency. The increase in tourism will bring in investors who will create a lot of jobs for the community so that the welfare of the people in West Bandung Regency will increase.
The Army Chief of Staff reminded that regional heads must know all the difficulties faced by their people, as well as emphasized that the Indonesian Army is ready to be involved in development to overcome people's difficulties, because that is stated in his seven daily orders to all soldiers of the Army.
At the end of his remarks, the Army Chief of Staff gave his appreciation to Pangdam III/Siliwangi and his staff who have helped overcome the difficulties of the people in their area through various innovations and creative activities that can improve people's welfare such as developing agriculture, processing clean water, and processing oil as a fuel mixture that can save energy. fuel consumption.