Mayor Bobby Nasution Keeps His Campaign Promise To Build The Sicanang Bridge

JAKARTA - Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution kept his campaign promise to build the Titi Dua Bridge in Belawan Sicanang Village, Medan Belawan District.

"During the first campaign, I promised to repair the Sicanang Bridge. After being elected, the promise will be the responsibility of the Medan City Government. We will immediately build this bridge," he said in Medan, Friday.

He said this in front of the Head of Belawan Harbor Police AKBP Faisal Rahmat, Kajari Belawan Nusirwan Sahrul, community leaders, religious leaders, and youth leaders after visiting the Titi Dua Bridge in Belawan Sicanang.

According to him, the construction of the bridge is a dream of the people because it connects two sub-districts, namely Belawan Sicanang and Belawan Bahari.

The mayor also hopes that the construction of this bridge will go well, so that people can move smoothly which will ultimately improve the community's economy.

"If I don't keep my promise, it's not only my own sin, but the related OPDs will also sin. God willing, we will build the Titi Dua Sicanang Bridge," said Bobby.

Not to forget, the Mayor of Medan also entrusted the Belawan Harbor Police Chief and Kajari Belawan who were deliberately invited so that the construction of the bridge could be monitored.

"Mr. Kapolres and Pak Kajari, I entrust this development so that it can be seen, because this bridge is the only access. We are open here in the process.

So I implore the Chief of Police and Pak Kajari, let's look at the construction together so that it is done well, because this bridge involves the lives of many people," he said.

To the entire community, the number one person in the Medan City Government hopes for prayers and support, because the construction of this bridge is very dependent on natural conditions.

"For that we ask for prayers so that the construction of the bridge can be carried out with the best quality," asked Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution.