Abortion Clinics In Central Jakarta Have 'Official Abortion Clinics' Website, Doctors Do Not Have Certification

JAKARTA - The police have described how the abortion clinic on Jalan Percetakan Negara III, Central Jakarta, has caught patients. One of them is by promoting online through the website.

"That (promotion) is through an existing website. There is one website, the website is klinikaborsiresmi.com," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Wednesday, September 23.

The website also includes numbers that can be contacted by patients. In addition, the practice of illegal abortion is also promoted through social media by including prices for abortion.

"The cheapest cost is around Rp. 2 million with the youngest fetus. Usually the fetus takes about 2 weeks. Then over 5 weeks it is around Rp. 4 million," said Yusri.

The nominal excludes the registration fee of Rp. 250 thousand, with details of Rp. 200 thousand for the registration fee and Rp. 50 thousand for the USG fee. With this set rate, illegal abortion clinics can reap tens of millions of rupiah in profits.

In one day the clinic can get a turnover of 10 to 15 million. The profits earned will be shared among all the suspects.

"The distribution of money for doctors is 40 percent, then agents, and some for the employees are paid 250 thousand a day," he said.

Abortion Clinic Suspect Does Not Have Doctor Certification

It was confirmed that the DK suspect in the abortion clinic case was not certified as a doctor. "DK does not have a certification as a doctor," said Yusri.

Based on the results of the examination, the DK suspect was indeed a graduate majoring in medicine at a university in North Sumatra. Then, he was also noted to have had an internship or co-assistant in a hospital but did not finish.

"He (DK) once did a KOAS in one of the hospitals there and it only lasted about 2 months," he said.

Finally, DK was recruited by the owner of an abortion clinic with the initials LA (52) as an abortion doctor. In addition, in practice the abortion is not up to standard.

Referring to the testimony of the DK suspect, the abortion was carried out by inserting a tube. Then the tube is connected into the patient's vagina through the forsio or cervix.

"Then stepping on the pedal about 2 to 3 times which is connected to the pedal to suck up the fetus which is still in the form of blood with a process of about 5 minutes until the blood runs out and enters the tube," he said.