JCI Weak Again, 2 Budi Hartono Company Shares Sold By Foreign Investors

JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) closed lower again. At the close of trading on Wednesday, September 23, the JCI closed down 0.33 percent or 16.14 points to a level of 4,917.96.

Closing the trade, 142 stocks rose, 286 stocks fell, and 137 stocks remained unchanged. The trading volume was recorded at 8.81 billion shares and transacted at IDR6.99 trillion.

Binaartha Sekuritas analyst, M. Nafan Aji Gusta Utama said, the weakening of the JCI was driven by Sri Mulyani's statement about Indonesia which is certain to experience a recession in the announcement of the third quarter GDP in early November, "Nafan told VOI.

In addition, another driving factor is the existence of intelligence reports from FinCEN Files which also influence market behavior to wait and see

Today, two issuers belonging to tycoon Budi Hartono are listed in the top five net sells or the most sold by foreign investors. First, shares of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) which are in the top position were sold by foreign investors for IDR122.87 billion with a volume of 26 , 64 million shares.

Then another issuer owned by Budi Hartono, namely PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk (TOWR) is in fifth place. TOWR sold 110.74 million shares with a transaction value of IDR 22.3 billion.