Four Fraudsters At Walnut Market Test Positive For Drugs, They Use Crime Proceeds For Shabu Party

JAKARTA - Based on the results of the police investigation into the electric appliance fraud case at the Kenari Market, four of the arrested perpetrators used the proceeds of the crime to buy methamphetamine.

"The money from the crime was used to use drugs. The excess money from the fraud was used for a drug party in the Kenari area," Senen Police Chief Commissioner Ari Susanto told VOI, Friday, March 18.

When arrested and a urine test was carried out, the four perpetrators tested positive for shabu.

"The four perpetrators after our urine test were all positive for using methamphetamine," he said.

Until now, the narcotics case is still under development by the Senen Police.

"We are developing the modus operandi of fraud and drugs. All (suspects) are drug addicts. After getting the results (of the crime), buy and use them," he added.

Meanwhile, from the perpetrator's confession to the police, they have consumed the illicit goods since two years ago.

"It's done together so it's like an addiction," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Senen Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested a syndicate of electrical equipment fraud that often operates at Kenari Market, Jalan Kramat Raya, Senen District, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 18.

Of the eight perpetrators, four have been arrested. They have the initials PS, SJM, L and DK. The other four are still at large.

"The four perpetrators were arrested at the Kenari Market along with evidence, while the other four managed to escape. The four people who are still at large are still being chased to the Depok area," Senen Police Chief Commissioner Ari Susanto told reporters, Friday, March 18.