Response Of Harassment Case Rapid Test At Soetta Airport, Minister Of Transportation: Shame

JAKARTA - A woman on a plane admitted to being a victim of alleged extortion and sexual harassment while undergoing a rapid test at Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The sexual harassment incident surfaced after the victim made a thread via the Twitter account @listongs.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi regretted the embarrassing incident amid the efforts of the aviation sector to rise from the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, remember, yes or know, a few days ago there were officers who carried out a rapid test, committed an action that was unpleasant or not good. With a few hours it had spread throughout the country. It was an act of shame," he said in a discussion. virtual, Wednesday, September 23.

Budi said the COVID-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact because the air sector had to be able to guarantee security. Therefore, Budi requested, all parties strictly implement health protocols.

"The President has repeatedly said that the full health protocol is being carried out well. So friends at the airport should never neglect or tarnish the activities that we really have to guard," he said.

This allegation of blackmail and sexual harassment first emerged after being shared via the Twitter account @listongs. Starting with the rapid test, the victim admitted that he met an officer with the initials EFY at Soekarno-Hatta Airport on Sunday, September 13. The victim was about to fly to Nias, North Sumatra.

In its thread, @listongs said that EFY offers convenience for administering rapid tests. EFY called the victim also claimed to be able to replace the data from the rapid test results even though @listongs was sure the results of the rapid test being undertaken would be inactive.

Finally, the victim received the rapid test result letter and went straight to the check-in counter at Soekarno-Hatta Airport. However, according to the victim, the rapid test officer continued to follow him and asked him to chat in a quiet place.

There, EFY officers according to @listongs asked for additional money beyond the official rapid test fee. The victim asks the nominal officer the officer means. However, when the victim mentioned the figure of Rp1 million, the officer asked for an additional.

Until finally @listongs gave Rp1.4 million. @listongs includes proof of transfer in the thread.

But after that, officers according to @listongs committed sexual harassment. He tried to kiss the victim and feel the victim's breast. The victim was in deep shock by the abuse she received.

Currently, a medical staff with the initials EFY has been named a suspect in a case of extortion of passengers during a rapid test at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten. Meanwhile, the abuse case is still being investigated.

"It has been (named as a suspect)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit at Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police Commissioner Alexander Yurikho to VOI, Tuesday, September 22.

Meanwhile, the question of alleged sexual harassment is still being investigated. This is because the police are still looking for evidence related to the alleged harassment.