Unscrupulous Police Burn Ex-Girlfriend In Muara Enim, South Sumatra Charged With Premeditated Murder Articles

PALEMBANG - South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto said that the ANR Brigadier police officer who burned his ex-girlfriend DN (25) in Muara Enim Regency, was charged with premeditated murder.

"The perpetrators were criminally processed and charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code," said the South Sumatra Police Chief, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 18.

Article 340 of the Criminal Code reads: "Anyone who intentionally and with a premeditated plan takes the life of another person, is threatened with murder with a plan (moord), with a death sentence or imprisonment for life or for a certain time, a maximum of twenty years in prison".

According to him, the article was imposed on the perpetrators of the ANR Police Brigade based on the results of the crime scene (TKP), namely a rented house on Jalan Ade Irma Suryani, Body House, Muara Enim District, and the examination of witnesses by the local Resort Police (Polres).

“It was found that there was a motive with a planning background in the incident that occurred on Thursday (10/3) night. The perpetrator came with gasoline later, entered the rented house, then poured (gasoline) on the victim and set him on fire, even though he had time to think," he said.

Toni ensured that the police would take firm action against the perpetrators, if proven guilty of arson against the victim, causing nearly 80 percent of his body to be burned.

Moreover, continued Toni, the perpetrator had committed three violations of the code of ethics as a member of the National Police, and the arson case which was allegedly motivated by a one-sided love triangle was his fourth act.

“This individual member will be legally processed and will be emphasized again by dishonorable dismissal later. Meanwhile, the person concerned is still being treated at the hospital, because he also suffered 60 percent burns on his body," he said.

Meanwhile, according to Toni, his party has visited the victim DN who is also still undergoing medical treatment at the local general hospital.

The visit was to ensure that the health condition of the victim, who is a resident of Tungkal Village, Muara Enim, was in good condition and helped him by providing compensation.

"We have visited the victim who is undergoing medical treatment at the hospital to see his condition, we are welcomed by the victim," he said.