Muhadjir Asks Education Activities To Continue

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy guarantees that the teaching and learning process continues even though the floods hit a number of Jabodetabek areas.
According to him, the government guarantees that students can carry out their learning activities because there is a number of assistance provided by the Ministry of Education.
"Particularly for education, we try to keep students and children from being too disturbed by their learning activities. This means that whatever conditions are in learning, it still has to run, that's also assistance from the Ministry of Education and Culture has begun to go down," said Muhadjir to reporters at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, Jalan Medan Merdeka. West, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 6.
The former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) of the Working Cabinet also said that after the floods in a number of areas, he had taken to the field according to President Joko Widodo's direction. This is to ensure that aid for the victims has been distributed and that the refugees or victims receive the best services.
He also emphasized that the government's focus is not only on flood victims in the Jabodetabek area but also in Lebak, Banten which has recently been hit by the flash flood disaster.
"(Disasters) outside Jabodetabek are also a concern of the word," he said.
Compensation Fund of IDR 500,000
On that occasion, Muhadjir also talked about the refugees who are still at several refugee points after the floods that hit Jakarta and its surrounding areas.
According to him, according to the direction of the Head of BNPB Doni Monardo, BNPB asked the refugees not to hesitate to stay temporarily in their relatives' houses who were not affected by the flood.
"The Head of BNPB made a policy that they did not have to or they should not stay in refugee camps but join with relatives who were not affected," he said.
In fact, to prevent the accumulation of refugees at the refugee camps, Muhadjir said his ministry would provide a compensation fund of Rp. 500 thousand for flood victims in Jabodetabek.
"The government provides compensation, a kind of benefit compensation, if I'm not mistaken, around Rp. 500 thousand for those who will be affected later. So, not all of them have to gather at the refugee camps," he concluded.