Lawyer: Strange, Pinangki Was Accused That The Recipient Of The Money Was Also The Giver Of Money

JAKARTA - The prosecutor's team of prosecutors Pinangki Sirna Malasari will submit a note of objection or exception to the charges read out by the public prosecutor at the Attorney General's Office. A number of points in the indictment are deemed inconsistent with existing legal facts.

Pinangki's lawyer, Aldrus Napitupulu, said the charges that were considered odd were listed in points one and three. This is because the defendant is said to have received from Djoko Tjandra and will give money to officials of the Attorney General's Office.

"Yes, we think this is quite strange when the defendant is accused of being the recipient but also accused of being the giver. That will be one of the points of our objection," Aldrus told reporters, Wednesday, September 23.

In addition, the lawyer also questioned the indictment that said Pinangki met with Djoko Tjandra. This is because in the case investigation file there is no information about the meeting.

"If that (Pinangki met Djoko Tjandra) there was no such confession in the file. There was no such confession filed, we also do not know where such accusation came from," he said.

Attorney Pinangki was charged in three cases. First, the Pinangki prosecutor was charged with receiving 500 thousand US dollars as a down payment for the Supreme Court fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra could be free from imprisonment related to the transfer of Bank Bali collection rights.

The second indictment, prosecutor Pinangki was charged with the crime of money laundering. According to the prosecutor, Pinangki received 500 thousand US dollars from Djoko Tjandra through Andi Irfan Jaya. The US $ 50 thousand was handed over to Anita Dewi Kolopaking, a lawyer. The prosecutor charged the remaining 450 thousand US dollars of money laundering.

"So the total amount of money used by the defendant was USD 444,990 or equivalent to Rp6,219,380,900," said the prosecutor.

Meanwhile, the third indictment, prosecutor Pinangki, was charged with consensus with Andi Irfan Jaya and Joko Tjandra for giving money to officials of the Attorney General's Office and the Supreme Court. The amount promised in this evil conspiracy was 10 million US dollars.

Who is the real prosecutor in Pinangki?

For dear readers who want to know more about the prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari, even before the case of Djoko Tjandra, please click the following link. The VOI research team has summarized the actions of Attorney Pinangki who once wowed Hotman Paris's lawyer