This Is A Leak Of KPU Regulations Regarding Sanctions For Violating The 2020 Pilkada Health Protocol

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) has revised KPU Regulation Number 6 of 2020 and KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2020 concerning the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this revision, the KPU added to the provisions of sanctions that would be applied if a pair of candidates and organizers violated health protocols such as creating a crowd.

"Currently, we are in the process of changing a number of provisions in PKPU 6/2020 to follow up on the results of the DPR hearing on September 21," said KPU I Commissioner Dewa Raka Sandi during a webinar discussion, Wednesday, September 23.

In the preparation of PKPU sanctions, the KPU held discussions with Bawaslu, DKPP, Commission II of the DPR RI, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Tuesday, September 22 evening. Dewa said that the KPU Legal Bureau was currently in the process of drafting the PKPU legislation on the health protocol sanctions, before it was later promulgated.

"Hopefully, today or at least tomorrow (PKPU) can be enacted and can become a guide for organizers, participants, and for the community," said Dewa.

Separately, member of the Election Supervisory Agency, Fritz Edward Siregar, leaked an important point in the PKPU revision regarding regional elections during the pandemic and sanctions for violations of health protocols.

Among other things, there was a decision that the announcement of the determination of the pair of candidates through the website and official letters without inviting the prospective pairs of candidates to be determined.

In addition, the drawing of serial numbers through plenary meetings is still carried out in a limited number. If not obeyed, the candidate number drawing process can be postponed, so that they get a reduction in campaign time.

In addition, other campaign activities stated in Article 63 PKPU Number 10 of 2020, such as general meetings, performing arts, music concerts, walks, competitions, bazaars, and political party birthdays are prohibited from being carried out physically.

"Then, physical campaign activities that do not violate the Campaign ban and the provisions of laws and regulations such as concerts can only be done online," said Fritz.

"And, there are sanctions and other restrictions," he added.

Previously reported, Commission II DPR, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, KPU, Bawaslu, and DKPP agreed that the 2020 Pilkada will not be postponed and will continue to be held on 9 December. Pilkada stages are also still on schedule.

"Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives together with the Minister of Home Affairs, Chairperson of KPU RI, Chairperson of Bawaslu RI and Chairperson of the RI DKPP have agreed that the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneously will be held on December 9, 2020 by enforcing discipline and legal sanctions for violations of the COVID-19 health protocol," said the Chairman of Commission II DPR Ahmad Doli Kurnia.

To anticipate the spread of COVID-19 due to health protocol violations, Commission II of the DPR RI asked the KPU to revise KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2020. Commission II proposed six things in the PKPU revision.