Pinangki Exchanges Dollars to Billions of Rupiah Through a Driver, Husband, and Her Husband's Staff

JAKARTA - Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari was charged with money laundering of IDR 6.2 billion. This money is a down payment of a total of USD 500 thousand. The money was from Djoko Tjandra for the processing of a fatwa from the Supreme Court (MA). So, he will not be imprisoned in the case of the transfer of claim rights to the Bali bank.

In the indictment, the Pinangki prosecutor changed USD 337,600 into IDR 4,753,829,000. According to the prosecutor, this currency exchange is a form of money laundering. It aims to disguise the origin of assets from corruption.

"In 2019 and 2020, the defendant exchanged USD 337,600. With a total exchange value into rupiah currency of IDR 4,753,829,000, by using other people's names. Namely, Sugiarto (staff of the defendant), Beni Sastrawan (staff of the husband of the defendant, a member of the National Police), and Dede Muryadi Sairi,” said the prosecutor, reading the indictment at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 23.

The prosecutor reviewed the exchange of US dollars through Beni Sastrawan in the indictment. Initially, Pinangki asked her husband, AKBP Napitupulu Yogi Yusuf, to exchange the currency.

"Then AKBP Napitupulu Yogi ordered his staff, Beni Sastrawan, to meet the defendant's driver, Sugiarto, to exchange the defendant's USD currency," said the prosecutor.

The money from Djoko Tjandra was used by Pinangki to buy a BMW X5 as much as IDR 1,753,836,050; paid for rent for an apartment in the United States IDR 412,705,554. She also used the money to pay for beauticians in the US.

"The defendant paid for a beauty doctor in the US on December 16, 2019, as much as IDR 419,430," said the prosecutor.

She also used the money for home care doctor payments, credit card payments, and Darmawangsa Essence apartment rental payments.

For her actions, Pinangki is subject to Article 3 of Law Number 8 the Year 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.

Who Is Pinangki?

If you want to know more about the prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari, even before she was involved in Djoko Tjandra's case, please click the following link. The VOI research team has summarized the story of prosecutor Pinangki who once made Hotman Paris amazed.