Anies Orders His Staff To Speed Up Flood Control During The Transition Season

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan ordered the mayors and regents, heads of agencies, agencies, bureaus, sub-district heads and village heads to accelerate the improvement of flood control in the current transition season.

This is stated in the DKI Governor's (Ingub) Instruction Number 52 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Improving the Flood Control System in the Era of Climate Change.

"One is building a flood detection and early warning system as well as an anticipatory, predictive, intelligent, and integrated flood management system," Anies was quoted as saying by Ingub on Wednesday, September 23.

In the flood detection system instructions, Anies ordered the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to prepare an early warning for flood events that can be monitored online and announced no later than the day before the incident.

Anies also asked BPBD and the Social Service to ensure logistics, mitigation facilities, and flood handling evacuation in a state that is ready to face extreme rainfall.

In addition, Anies also asked his staff to ensure that the existing flood control infrastructure is always operating at normal capacity.

"Immediately carry out dredging and cleaning of all water structures (rivers, reservoirs, drainage and waterways) on a massive scale and report periodically," said Anies.

Then, Anies asked the officials to accelerate the construction of infrastructure for flood control that had not been realized, such as repairing polders, building reservoirs, coastal protection embankments, and drainage systems.

Anies also ordered the Water Resources Agency to complete land acquisition to increase the storage capacity of the Pesanggrahan, Ciliwung Angke, Sunter and Jatikramat rivers.

"Land acquisition with a target of 2021 and accelerating coordination with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing," he said.

In addition, Anies also asked his staff to encourage fulfillment of obligations and community participation in flood control.

For example, such as simplifying the licensing provisions for facilities related to flood control to promoting the creation of infiltration wells or other technologies that support the reduction of rainwater runoff.

"All costs required in implementing this governor's instruction are borne by the APBD through the budget implementation documents (DPA) of each regional apparatus organization and other non-binding budget sources," concluded Anies.

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