Anticipating The Hoarding Of Cooking Oil, West Sumatra Regional Police Checks PT Incasi Raya Warehouse, Wilmar Nabati And Supermarkets

PADANG - The West Sumatra Police anticipates hoarding of cooking oil in the area by checking with a number of cooking oil companies, including PT Incasi Raya and PT Wilmar Nabati as well as a large supermarket in Padang.

The Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the West Sumatra Police, Commissioner Adip Rojikan, said that the joint investigation with the West Sumatra Trade Service was a follow-up to the current national situation regarding the scarcity of cooking oil and the attention of the Indonesian Police leadership to ensure safe cooking oil stocks in the field.

"This is a follow-up to public concerns and also the attention of the National Police Chief that how do we ensure that the needs for cooking oil in our community can be met so that there is no shortage. Thank God for the West Sumatra region this has not happened yet," he said in Padang as reported by Antara, Friday, March 18th.

If the public finds anyone stockpiling cooking oil, he said, they must be informed to the police.

Field inspections, he said, are also to find out whether there are or are still shortages so that later it will be known from the producer level, distributors down to the stock of this cooking oil.

"Scarcity at the company level does not occur, we just need to transfer it to the bottom to see if there is a deviation, and that is the deviation that we will be aware of, and deal with us," he explained.

The police, he said, would also form a task force by involving related agencies to continue investigating in the field. "Essentially, if it is found, there has been an order from the National Police Chief, we will act on irregularities against the cooking oil distributor," he said.