In The Last 3 Years, Cases Of Trafficking In Women And Children In East Kalimantan Tend To Increase

SAMARINDA - Cases of criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO), especially women and children in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) are high. In the last three years cases also tend to increase.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Department of Population, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DKP3A) of East Kalimantan Province, Noryani Sorayalita.

"In the last three years, TIP cases in East Kalimantan have increased, so it is necessary to strengthen the TIP Task Force at the provincial and district/city levels," he said in a press release received in Samarinda, Antara, Thursday, March 17.

Based on data from the Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children (PPPA Symphony), in 2018 there were five cases of TIP, namely one case in Kutai Kertanegara Regency, two cases in East Kutai, and one case in Paser Regency.

Then in 2019 there were six cases in East Kalimantan with details in Balikpapan City there was one case, Bontang City four cases, and in Samarinda City one case was detected.

Meanwhile, in 2020 the number of TIP in East Kalimantan has increased to eight cases, namely in Berau Regency four cases were detected, in Balikpapan there was one case, and in Bontang three cases were recorded.

During the PPPA Regional Coordination Meeting throughout East Kalimantan with the theme "Prevention and Handling of TIP to Meet IKN", in Balikpapan, Wednesday (16/3), Noryani said the TIP Task Force was formed from cross-sectoral and cross-regional device organizations (OPD).

Task Forces from across sectors and across OPDs are intended to be more synergistic and easier to coordinate with related OPDs and law enforcement officers, namely in taking steps to prevent and handle TIP.

"Prevention efforts can be carried out through mapping in TIP-prone areas for both domestic and foreign purposes," he said.

Then through increasing public education, especially alternative education for girls, including increasing public knowledge through providing information about TIP and all related aspects.

He continued, efforts should be made to ensure accessibility for families, especially women and children, to obtain education, training, income generation and social services.

"Prevention and eradication of the criminal act of trafficking in persons also requires strict law enforcement, without it, the prevention and eradication of TIP will be in vain," said Noryani.

TIP cases in East Kalimantan are quite high