Arief Muhamad Examined The Doni Salmanan Case, Explains The Sale And Purchase Of Porsche Cars To Criminal Investigation Investigation Unit Investigators

JAKARTA - Influencer Arief Muhamad has completed his examination in the money laundering case (TPPU) in the online gambling case under the guise of Quotex with the suspect Doni Salmanan. During the investigation, Arief Muhammad was asked to explain the process of buying and selling cars.

"Yes, so it is according to what was predicted, so today we are just talking about buying and selling cars, coincidentally Doni Salmanan bought my Porsche," said Arief to reporters, Thursday, March 17.

"There is no other conversation besides that, because our relationship is limited to buying and selling cars," he continued.

Arief said the inspection was limited to confirming the sale and purchase of the car. In fact, investigators did not mention the refund.

"When we were asked, there was no discussion about it at all," he said.

However, if investigators assess that the Rp4 billion car sale and purchase money needs to be returned, Arief Muhammad will comply.

"I am a good citizen, I will be very cooperative, if for example the investigator needs it or whatever the investigator needs, we will cooperate," said Arief.

Arief Muhammad is known to have sold a Porsche 911 Carerra 4S to Doni Salmanan. The luxury car was sold for IDR 4 billion in December 2021.