Baba Rafi Is Being Investigated Over The Alleged Fraudulent Investment In Shrimp Ponds

JAKARTA - Entrepreneur Hendy Setiono, also known as Boss Baba Rafi, was reported to Polda Metro Jaya. This report is related to the alleged fraudulent investment with a loss of Rp9 billion.

"Our report has been received by the SPKT in which we reported a loss of Rp. 9 billion," said the victim's lawyer, Rinto Wardana to reporters, Wednesday, March 16.

In the alleged fraudulent investment case, there were at least 25 victims. They were tempted by the lure of shrimp pond investment offered by Hendy in 2018. The reported party said this investment was low risk.

"This Baba Rafi made a kind of brochure which states that the Vaname shrimp is resistant to disease and is indeed profitable," said Rinto.

But the opposite happened. Shrimp seeds which are claimed to be strong and disease-resistant actually die and end up with huge losses.

"It didn't happen, the shrimp died, so he couldn't share the investment returns because the shrimp died, the harvest failed, there was no money to share," said Rinto.

Reports registered with the number LP/B/1356/III/2022/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya dated March 16, 2022.

Hendy Setiono alias Baba Rafi was reported with Articles 378 and 372 of the Criminal Code regarding fraud and embezzlement as well as Articles 3,4, and 5 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.