Papuan Police Propam Examines 7 Yahukimo Police Personnel For Handling Riots

JAYAPURA - Papuan Police Propam investigators have examined seven members of the Yahukimo Police. Examination to ensure the appropriateness of the procedures for handling anarchist demonstrations at Dekai.

The Head of Propam for the Papuan Police, Kombes Sanchez Napitupulu, said that his party could not confirm whether the handling of the demonstrators carrying out the anarchic action was according to procedure or not because the investigation was still ongoing.

"What is certain is that according to the direction of the Papua Police Chief, members who do not follow the procedure (SOP) will be given sanctions according to the provisions," said Kombes Napitupulu, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 17.

The demonstration against the expansion or new autonomous regions (DOB) that took place on Tuesday (15/3) was anarchic as the demonstrators set fire to and threw a number of buildings, including the Kominfo Yahukimo office, whose courtyard was the place where the demonstrators gave speeches.

As a result, preliminary data revealed that two residents died, two were injured by gunfire and two members of the National Police were injured.

The residents who died were Yakob Dell (30 years) and Erson Weibsa (20 years), two people who were gunshot wounds, namely Itos Itlay and Lucky Kobak, and two members of the Yahukimo Police were reportedly injured, one of whom was First Brigadier Muhammad Aldi.

The Papuan Police also sent two Brimob platoons to strengthen the personnel at the Yahukimo Police.