Accompanied By The West Java Police Chief, Commission III Visits The Location Of Residents' Disputes With Sentul City

BOGOR - A group of members of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives met with residents of Cijayanti and Bojongkoneng, Bogor Regency, West Java, who are having a land dispute with PT Sentul City Tbk. happened, then got data and information related to land disputes in Bojong Koneng and Cijayanti," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III DPR RI Adies Kadir when meeting with residents at a cafe in Bojongkoneng, Bogor, Thursday 17 March. This is a follow-up to the Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) representing the residents of Bojongkoneng and Cijayanti with Commission III of the DPR RI in Jakarta on January 19, 2022. Adies Kadir as the Head of the Specific Working Visit Team recorded one by one the complaints of residents regarding land disputes and collected copies. land documents belonging to residents to be followed up. Meanwhile, residents of Bojongkoneng, Ato K Hoerudin, complained about his land and village treasury land which he said had been taken over by PT Sentul City. He said that his family had occupied his place of residence for more than 70 years.

"Village treasury land, for the people, if you don't have a house, you can live there. But the village treasury land is taken by the company," he complained in front of the council members. Another Bojongkoneng resident, Ade Emon hopes that Commission III will immediately resolve land disputes in his area. He admitted that he had fought so hard that he ended up in prison for four months, because he was considered to have damaged the Bojongkoneng Village Office some time ago. The agenda for the specific working visit of Commission III DPR RI was also attended by the West Java Police Chief Inspector General Suntana, Bogor Police Chief AKBP Iman Imanuddin, Dandim 0621/Bogor Regency Lt. Col. Gangan Rusgandara.