How The Deputy Governor Of DKI Avoids Corruption, Follows Wife's Advice To Enter The MLM Business

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria claims that he has avoided corruption as much as possible during his tenure. He stated this while attending the socialization of the integrity of the DKI Provincial Government officials by the Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata.

Therefore, rather than being trapped in corrupt practices, Riza admits that he prefers to join the multilevel marketing (MLM) business, according to his wife's recommendation, in order to increase his income after his tenure in DKI ends soon.

"My wife told me to join multilevel (MLM) because in 6 months I will be retiring (from the position of Deputy Governor of DKI). I was told to register, she said 'where are your friends? Try registering, we will have prospects'. said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 17.

"So, yesterday I started the multilevel list, then now I'm preparing for multilevel. Yes, I'm going to multilevel. He said it was okay," he continued.

Riza admits that business activities with a pyramid network marketing system are indeed no easier and more practical than committing acts of corruption or playing projects that take advantage of their position. But, at least, this can be a blessing for him.

"Hopefully it is halal and blessed, yes. This is indeed a challenge for all of us, especially those in office like me. I live for 6 months. Hopefully, I can survive the temptation," said Riza.

On that occasion, Riza emphasized the importance of the family's role in maintaining the integrity of officials to the DKI Provincial Government ASN in preventing corruption. The spouses of DKI Provincial Government officials, according to Riza, need to remind their partners and become their first line of defense if there are certain temptations that lead to action. corruption.

"I invite all ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government ASN to continue to build better governance and which can prevent corrupt acts, services must be faster and more efficient without special fees. One example of how to prevent or counteract corrupt behavior is to re-explore the value of various local wisdom," he explained.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Alexander Marwata, said that an example of maintaining integrity is that the spouses of DKI Provincial Government officials must know the income of their husband or wife. They should be suspicious if suddenly their husband or wife gets money that exceeds their income.

"So, when someone brings cash that is considered suspicious, it also reminds them what money is this? Are salaries transferred? Well, it must be explained. As long as it can be explained where the original source came from, okay, it doesn't matter," said Alexander.