Requests 300 Quranic Verses To Be Deleted FKUB Urges Police To Arrest Saifudin Ibrahim Immediately

LEBAK - The Lebak Regency Religious Communication Forum (FKUB) urged the police to immediately arrest Saifudin Ibrahim, who was viral in a video asking for 300 verses in the holy Koran to be deleted.

"Reverend Saifudin Ibrahim's statement is certainly very disturbing religious harmony," said Lebak Regency FKUB Secretary KH Ahmad Hudori in Lebak, Thursday 17 March. , harmony, mutual respect and respect for human beings for a moment. However, in the midst of diversity, Saifudin Ibrahim's statement that has the potential to divide religious communities by spreading hatred against Muslims. In the video, Pastor Saifudin Ibrahim asked the Minister of Religion Yaqut to delete 300 verses of the Koran because they contained intolerant elements. In addition, the education curriculum for Islamic boarding schools and madrasas was changed because they were a source of radicalism. former AL Zai Islamic Boarding School Ustad Tun Indramayu, West Java, for fear of causing the anger of Muslims, so that it can disrupt religious harmony. "We hope that the authorities will immediately process legally. ITE) Article 28 elements of SARA," he explained. According to him, the kiai in Lebak Regency were hurt by Pastor Saifudin Ibrahim's statement that madrasas and Islamic boarding schools were sources of radicalism. "I think Saifudin Ibrahim's statement is very insulting to Muslims as a 'rahmatal lil'alamin' religion that spreads love for all people," he said.