Cool! Successful State Revenue Grows 20 Percent In This Period

JAKARTA - The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, said that the value of state revenue in February 2022 was realized to grow more than 20 percent compared to the achievement in January 2022 which amounted to Rp. 156 trillion.

On the other hand, the value of state spending in the first two months of this year was relatively very small, even Sri Mulyani said it grew by almost zero percent.

"So, actually we experienced a surplus from the budget deficit last month," said Sri Mulyani, at the Bloomberg ASEAN Business Summit, in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 16.

In 2022, according to Sri Mulyani, state revenue has indeed experienced a surge of up to 54.9 percent, which is obtained from tax and non-tax revenues. This record is called a good start for the performance of the economy in 2022.

"Even so, in the next 10 months we will still anticipate a lot of pressure, especially related to commodity prices, some of which will be passed on to consumers," said Sri Mulyani.

Anticipation is carried out by the government by absorbing part of the increase in commodity prices in the form of subsidies.

Therefore, Sri Mulyani continued, there were two responses from the fiscal side issued by the government, namely increasing subsidies, especially for fuel and electricity, and using increased state revenues due to the spike in palm oil (CPO) prices.

"We use this combination. But the price pressure of some commodities will be passed on to consumers and that is why we expect inflation to rise slightly," said Sri Mulyani.