KPK Receives Reports Of 122 Violations Related To Buildings At Lake Singkarak, West Sumatra

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) received reports of 122 violations that occurred in Singkarak Lake, Solok Regency, West Sumatra.

The violation is in the form of abuse of the function of Lake Singkarak by changing the lips or borders of the lake to hoard its waters to be used as various types of buildings for personal interests.

Kasatgas Prevention Korsup Region IV KPK Wahyudi said Lake Singkarak as a state property must be secured from takeover attempts by a handful of irresponsible parties.

Efforts to restore Lake Singkarak, he said, of course, through the synergy of the local government and related ministries/agencies. Lake Singkarak is a national treasure that is included in 15 national priority lakes.

"This is much easier when there is support from the local government. With the commitment of the Regent of Solok, those who carry out the reclamation of Lake Singkarak can be given sanctions," said Wahyudi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 16.

As part of the priority lake rescue program, the KPK and the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) in collaboration with the Solok Regency Government will carry out a number of efforts to restore Singkarak Lake according to its function.

One of them stipulates that existing buildings in the lake area are in the status quo or cannot be changed and demolished them gradually.

In addition to the Ministry of ATR/BPN, the KPK is also collaborating with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to secure Lake Singkarak.

"We also hope that from what we are doing, the legal apparatus will also be involved so that there will be persuasive efforts to save state or regional wealth," said Wahyudi.

Meanwhile, Director of Spatial Control at the Ministry of ATR/BPN Ariodilah Virgantara said his ministry appreciated the quick steps taken by the Solok Regency Government to identify 122 violations in the Singkarak Lake area.

"In the future, we and the KPK will follow up on this problem. The Solok Regency Government will also report data on violations that have occurred and we will verify it," said Ariodilah.

The Ministry of ATR/BPN will also immediately determine the status of Lake Singkarak based on the Lake Singkarak Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) and existing provisions.

Currently, the Solok Regency Government has disseminated the Solok Regent's Circular regarding the notification of the prohibition of building construction to the public.

The Solok Regency Government has also given administrative sanctions to CV Anamdaro and PT Kaluku who carried out the reclamation of Lake Singkarak. The sanction is in the form of demolition of the building, the costs of which are borne by the two companies.

The Solok Regency Government hopes that controlling Singkarak Lake can provide greater economic benefits to regional finances and the people of Solok. This is in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2021 concerning Saving National Priority Lakes.

The president's directive was issued because the condition of a number of strategically valuable lakes was already alarming, namely Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Lake Singkarak in West Sumatra, Lake Maninjau in West Sumatra, Lake Kerinci in Jambi, Lake Rawa Danau in Banten, Lake Rawa Pening in Central Java. , and Lake Batur in Bali.

Then Lake Tondano in North Sulawesi Province, Mahakam Cascade Lake (Melintang, Semayang, and Jempang) East Kalimantan, Lake Sentarum in West Kalimantan, Lake Limboto in Gorontalo, Lake Poso in Central Sulawesi Province, Lake Tempe in South Sulawesi, Lake Matano in Sulawesi South, and Lake Sentani in Papua.