Climbing To Mount Semeru Opens October 1, Climbers Must Bring A Minimum Of 4 Spare Masks

JAKARTA - The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BB-TNBTS) Center again opened the ascent of Mount Semeru, in East Java, on October 1, 2020 by implementing strict health protocols.

Reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 22, the Head of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Center John Kennedie said that the decision to reopen the climbing of the highest mountain on the island of Java was after a coordination meeting was held on September 21.

"Ascent of Mount Semeru during the adaptation period for new habits in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, it will reopen on October 1," said John, in Malang City, East Java, Tuesday.

John explained that there are several requirements that must be met by climbers when climbing the mountain which has an altitude of 3,676 meters above sea level (masl).

Some of these provisions include the number of climbers determined based on the quota per day, namely as many as 120 people or 20 percent of the total carrying capacity and capacity of Mount Semeru, which is 600 climbers.

Then the climb is only allowed for two days and one night, the climbers carry a health certificate from a doctor, which states that they are free of Upper Respiratory Infection (ISPA) with a wet stamp that is valid for a maximum of three days before the climb.

In addition, continued John, climbers who are allowed to be at least 10 years old and a maximum of 60 years old, bring personal medicine and hand sanitizer, and bring at least 4 spare masks.

"The only places to set up tents are in Ranu Kumbolo and Kalimati. Then, the tents used can only be filled up to a maximum of 50 percent of the capacity, and there is a minimum distance of two meters to set up tents," said John.

John added that the deadline for the permitted climbing is in the Kalimati area, in accordance with the direction of the Mount Sawur Lumajang Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) Post, East Java.

For the record, climbing Mount Semeru was closed for approximately one year due to forest fires in 2019. After the forest fire incident, climbing Mount Semeru has also not been opened due to the COVID-19 pandemic.