Wrath Associated With Hilal Ahmar Doctor Sunardi, Fadli Zon: If Jokowi Meets Farid Okbah Is He Called A Terrorist? Dirty Slander!

JAKARTA - Gerindra Party politician Fadli Zon is furious that he has been linked to the Hilal Ahmar Society, a humanitarian agency led by a terrorism suspect, Doctor Sunardi. According to Fadli, this is a form of vile slander against him.

"Attempts to link suspected terrorists are mere slander. Politically, I consider this dirty slander, the same as if someone tried to link President @jokowi with terrorism only because they had received suspected terrorist Farid Okbah at the Palace. What are two can the different events be linked? said Fadli Zon through a tweet on his official Twitter @fadlizon reported by VOI, Wednesday, March 15.

The Hilal Ahmar Society, which is led by Doctor Sunardi, is strongly suspected of being affiliated with Jamaah Islamiah (JI). After this case was revealed by Densus 88 at the National Police Headquarters, an old photo circulated when Fadli Zon made a donation to the institution.

This member of Commission I DPR RI also confirmed the circulating photo. The incident took place in 2015 when he served as Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Coordinator for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Korpolkam 2014-2019).

But not as alleged. Giving this assistance is work

Fadli as the people's representative. It is only natural that he accepts delegates from various groups and interests for the purposes of hearings, receiving complaints or courtesy calls.

"As a representative of the people, I have always been open to all members of society, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, and political affiliation. That is part of my representation as a member of the DPR RI," said Fadli Zon.

Well, on May 28 2015, Fadli and the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Coordinator for People's Welfare (Korkesra), Fahri Hamzah, accepted a request for a humanitarian delegation from the Indonesia Peduli Syam Forum (FIPS) led by Ustaz Bachtiar Nasir.

Twitter Fadli Zone

FIPS conveyed the development of the situation of Syrian refugees on the Turkish border who need assistance from the Indonesian people. This organization raises funds for emergency hospitals, food, and clothing for war refugees.

"Because the funds were collected from the Indonesian people, they then asked Mr. @Fahrihamzah as a representative of the leadership of the people's representatives to symbolically hand over the humanitarian aid to FIPS. This symbolic handover was immortalized by the journalists present," explained Fadli.

The documentation for the symbolic handing over of aid was also kept neatly by Fadli Zon in the book 'Siding with the People', which consists of five volumes. The meeting with members of the FIPS delegation was recorded and documented in the first volume of the book, page 285.

"For the record, all the funds listed in the symbol (USD 20,000) are funds collected by FIPS from the Indonesian people, not my personal donations or Brother Fahri Hamzah,"

"Fahri Hamzah and I know three members of the FIPS delegation, namely Ustadz Bachtiar Nasir, Mustofa Nahra, and lawyer Achmad Michdan. However, I do not know the other four people," added Fadli.

Not only that, on 21 May 2015 FIPS also visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which was received by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes FIPS activities and acknowledges that the Indonesian government has the same thoughts and vision as FIPS regarding humanitarian assistance for the Syrian people.

"The acceptance of the FIPS delegation is a form of support for humanitarian action. When the Indonesian people donated hospitals in Gaza, as Deputy Chairperson of @DPR_RI I was also asked to hand over the aid symbolically,"

"I made this explanation to ward off the slander of a number of people who insinuatively tried to twist my support for humanitarian action as if it was a form of support for terrorism. That is a very dirty and vile slander," said Fadli.